International women’s day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.
It is also a day or time to reflect on progress made,to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities.
International Women’s Day theme for 2022 is ” BREAK THE BIAS”
Imagine a gender equal world! A world free of Bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive.
A world where difference is valued and celebrated.
Collectively, we can all break the bias.
Gender study finds 90% of people are biased against women. A new UN report has found almost 90% of men hold some sort of bias against females.
Globally, close to 50% of men said they had more right to job than women. Almost a third of respondent thought it was acceptable for men to hit their partners.
Studies have found that there are no countries in the world with gender equality.
In Zimbabwe, 96% of people expressed a bias against women’s physical Integrity – a measure covering support for violence against women and opposition to reproductive rights. In the Philippines, 91% of people held views that were detrimental to women’s physical integrity.
According to the report from UNDP’s about half of the men and women feel that men make better political leaders. Around 39% of people in the US which is yet to have female president, thought men made better leaders.
The number of female heads of government is lower today than five years ago with only 10 women In such positions in 193 countries, down from 15 in 2014.
However, when it comes to seats in parliament,there is slightly higher percentage of women in these roles.From the report office of UNDP’s human development,Pedro Conceisão; “We have come a long way in recent decades to ensure that women have the same access to life’s basic needs as men but gender gaps are still too obvious in other areas, particularly those that challenge power relations and are most influential in actually achieving true equality.
Women are paid less than men and are much less likely to be in senior positions.
Globally, 40% of people thought men made better business executives.
In the UK,25% of people thought men should have more right to a job than women and said men made better business executives than women did.
India, that figure was 69%.
UNDP gender team,the acting director, Raquel Laguinas said “We must act now to break through the barrier of bias and prejudice if we want to see progress at the speed and scale need to achieve gender equality “
Girls shall Grow seeks to let every institution, church, family etc. to help eliminate stereotypes, discrimination and bias.
Will you help to break the bias?.
Kindly join us on 8th March,2022 as we think through of how to break the bias.
Cross your arm in solidarity.
Together,we will build a gender equal world.
# GirlsToday, Awesomewomentomorrow
Louisa Amoah
Executive Director,
Girls Shall Grow.