Folks in Obuasi, do you remember this beautiful house and its location? I’m sure the sight of it brings mixed feelings to you all. Anyway, I am part of those who were affected by the First Allied’s issue. Till date, I haven’t received my funds. That’s not the subject for discussion today.
My mission today is for us to discuss how we can position Obuasi so well to attract big time investments into the legendary mining town.
This building you see up there has been converted to a hostel. The owner has taken advantage of its proximity to the Knust-Obuasi campus to provide accommodation to the students of the school. It has everything a modern tertiary hostel can boast of. That’s a wise decision!!
Now, how do we leverage on the name of Obuasi, all its attributes, resources to bring businesses and investments to our land.
We need to reposition/sell Obuasi to the world for us to get the investments it deserves.
We have a much-revived AGA employing 4000 people.. Knust-Obuasi campus expected to admit 1000 students. Other factories expected to be completed very soon. With all these, I believe those who seek to lead us must tell us how they will bring big projects and investments to our land.
Enough of trumpeting toilets, boreholes, CHPS compound, classroom blocks et al, training people in soap making … Now, we need to elevate the discussion to include how to leverage on our strengths to attract big investments, big projects from the Central government into our land.
Obuasi has given Ghana so much, it is about time we got what we deserve.
My friends in the media please lead this discussion to elevate our political discourse.